Triangle Chapter Update

The TCNAA Triangle Chapter has been very busy supporting Talladega College and its students.  This year the chapter reached out to North Carolina students who are currently enrolled at Talladega College.  This initiative was meant to support and encourage the students as they are attending classes and participating in extra-curricular activities, and to build mentorship possibilities and opportunities with our local alumni. 

In this effort our chapter has partnered with four students: Mya Summers, Taevion Harris, Alexis Nealy and Lane Gunter.  Throughout the year chapter alumni visited with students, provided financial gifts and words of encouragement.  During this budding partnership, we have shared the importance of giving back to our institution and for them to encourage others to join this great Talladega College family.  We are excited about the possibilities that this new partnership has. 

Additionally, the Triangle Chapter will be representing Talladega College at the HBCU Explosion on July 27th in Smithfield, NC.  Local students, families and community members from Central and Eastern North Carolina will be attending this great event.   We will be recruiting for and representing the Alpha Lyrae Vega of them All in excellence.  


Submitted by Angel G. Batts  ’94
