Donations and Payments

The Talladega College National Alumni Association has made it possible for you to safely and securely pay your dues, make donations and pay for events, etc. online through PayPal.  Scroll to the item you desire and click the appropriate PayPal button.  Through PayPal you can pay with your Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover or with an electronic check.  If you want to make a payment, donate or purchase tickets for events with a check, please scroll down for more instructions.

Please note:  We have set up our PayPal account to track payments made for specific purposes.  Once you have completed one type of transaction, you must return to this page to make another type of transaction.

Pay Dues

Pay your annual dues by clicking on the PayPal button below.
National dues are fifty dollars ($50). A Two dollar ($2) service fee has been added to offset processing fees. Each local chapter may set their own dues structure.  Please note that the dues cycle runs from January 1 – December 31.  Download the form here to mail in your payment.


Donate to the Legacy Fund

Click HERE to make a tax deductible donation to the Legacy Fund.